Paint Correction & Polishing
Paint Correction is the act of removing surface imperfections through machine polishing techniques. There are a variety of polishers, pads, equipment and methods that we utilize to refine the paint surface to an extreme gloss.
Paint Hardness
Not every paint system reacts to this the same way —- In Fact – they are each totally different between manufacturer. Clear coat – the final layer of your paint system varies in what we call “hardness”…. this hardness is generally measured by doing a “test panel” where we polish an inconspicuous area to determine what polish, pad & machine is best at removing the imperfections in the clear coat.
For example – prior to +/- 2010 Porsche has soft paint. This means that it is generally plagued with Swirls, Scratches and other imperfections. Because it is “Soft” it is more subceptible to “marring” or accumulating these imperfections. The good news is – these paint systems are generally “corrected” with much less time in polishing, or to simplify – they are cheaper to get swirl free.
As for hard paints – Mercedes, some other german, newer Porsche etc are more difficult to remove imperfections requiring more time in polishing to recieve similar results
.Wetsanding, Texture (Orange Peel) Removal & Severe Defect Removal
Some defects can’t be fully removed through polishing. For instance – an extremely aggressive method must be utilized – such as dampsanding or through spot RIDS (Random Isolated Deep Scratches) removal. Both include various styles of sanding equipment and materials to level out the paint surface to remove the imperfection.
Think of a scratch, like a valley – and orange peel like a mountain. Sandpaper is the abrasive that levels it all out to a smooth surface ready to be polished. Wetsanding/Damp Sanding can also be a solution for severe oxidation removal on things like boats, rv’s and even certain single stage finishes. It can be a faster and more effective solution to removing the layer of built up oxidation on the surface than trying to polish through it – also – because you are removing said oxidation instead of forcing it into the paintwork – it generally refines to a much more beautiful, clear & glossy surface.
Paint Correction PAckages
Intensive Correction
Beautify it
A Full Cleansing & Decontamination
Full Degreasing of Engine Bay, Wheel Wells, Jams, Wheel Barrels & Tires
Inspected under hi-power lighting
Multiple machine processes tested to refine surface to remove Light-Medium swirling
No Random Isolated Deep Scratches removed
Finished with a Synthetic Sealant to last 3x Traditional Waxes
Great for Light-medium swirled, well maintained finishes or new cars that need polishing before a Ceramic Coating
Hybrid Correction
Overhaul it
A Full Cleansing & Decontamination
Full Degreasing of Engine Bay, Wheel Wells, Jams, Wheel Barrels & Tires
Inspected under hi-power lighting
Multiple machine processes tested to refine surface to remove MEDIUM-HEAVY swirling
Most if not all Random Isolated Deep Scratches removed
Finished with a Synthetic Sealant to last 3x Traditional Waxes
Great for medium-heavy swirled, well maintained finishes or new cars that need polishing before a Ceramic Coating
Full Correction
Perfect it
A Full Cleansing & Decontamination
Full Degreasing of Engine Bay, Wheel Wells, Jams, Wheel Barrels & Tires
Inspected under hi-power lighting
Multiple machine processes tested to refine surface to remove every imperfection possible
Random Isolated Deep Scratches removed
Finished with a Synthetic Sealant to last 3x Traditional Waxes
Great for extremely neglected finishes that have damage from various things, swirls, heavy scratches, other imperfections